Summer Fun Reading Programme – July 2022

“Labor for learning before you grow old;

   For learning is better than silver or gold.

   Silver and gold will vanish away,

   but a good education will never decay.”

 – – (Unknown Author) —

As you know, reading is fundamental in helping us find and convey information. It’s an essential skill that’s developed at a very young age. Learning to read through stories being read aloud, and with added dramatization is truly a win-win for our struggling learners – children learn through play!

“Reading is FUNdamental” and this is exactly what our Summer FUN Reading Programme has embodied. WWFK understands that PLAY is the highest form of research and is essential in learning in kids and adults. For our 2022 Summer FUN Reading Programme we were able for this initiative, to target in total eight (8) schools, preparatory and primary, which was five (5) more than the previous year. We partnered with three local authors and three guest authors, and four guest readers to really drive this initiative. We felt it was important for the children to meet these authors and connect even more with the books. Using books by Jamaican Authors allowed the kids to see themselves in the stories that are represented in the local books. Our Summer FUN Reading Programme also used PLAY together with Art, role-play and music as key ingredients in fostering and developing the love of reading in kids. These interactive sessions allowed the children to express themselves in ways they may not have been able to before in class which encouraged and built their confidence and memory retention. Help us break the cycle of “Illiterate kids”! Partner with us and make your brand be a part of something good and everlasting. Join us as we make “today readers tomorrow leaders”! Our programme has the data to show the astounding results and rewarding benefits through reading books. We not only teach kids to read, we sharpen brains, build critical minds, increase empathy, expand vocabularies and improve concentration in kids. These are life-long skills that are essential in one’s life. Join us as we build a better country through reading books! (“Summer Fun Reading – Youtube”)

Thanks, to our sponsors AYS Global Consults Limited, Irie Jam FM Radio, Jemar Printery Limited, JMMB Joan Duncan Foundation, JTA Co-operative Credit Union, Kozy Korner Books N More, Pencils4Kids, Rotary Club of Manor Park, The Bridge FM, The Vincent Hosang Family Foundation.


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