Pre-screening: an assessment process that helps identify students who are at risk for not meeting grade-level learning goals, social-emotional and behavioral functions.Neuro Psychological Education Evaluation: a formal assessments of cognitive or learning abilities/an assessment of the child's skill in academic areas such as reading, writing, and math/ in some cases an...
WWKIDS presents Dyslexia, Improving Reading Outcomes and Executive Functioning Skills workshops
Understanding Your Learning Style/s with Dr. Karine Clay, CEO of Higher Potential for LearningDyslexia workshop with Dr. John Russell, Special Projects Director at the Windward Institute, Associate Director of Haskins Global Literacy Hub, and Lecturer at the Child Study Center at Yale University School of Medicine, and former principal of the Windward School, NY and...
Teacher’s Pre-Screening Certification Workshop
An 8 hours certification training on the use of assessment tools to identify children who present challenges associated with: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) Learning Disabilities and Challenging Behaviours. Date: Sunday, October 6, from at 9am - 5pm Venue: A/C Hotel KGN Cost: $7,500.00 JMD ($6,000 JMD...
Teachers Workshop
Learning Objectives:Through a combination of didactic presentations, learning activities, and hands-on practice, seminar participants will learn: To describe the brain processes involved in executive functioning skills development both in typically developing children and those with executive functioning skills dysfunction (such as ADHD). To identify how executive functioning skills impact school...
Parenting Workshop
Dear Parents, seize this invaluable opportunity! The workshop we're presenting has been meticulously designed to empower you with vital strategies and resources to guide your precious child grappling with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. This knowledge is not just information—it is a vehicle to equip your child for navigating the broader...
Education Assessments – March – 2023
March 12 through 22, 2023, WWKIDS in collaboration with Dr. Clay of Higher Potential for Learning, and distinguished colleagues, with the assistance of the Windward Institute, and the Haskins Global Literacy Hub assessed almost 250 students from ten (10) schools to include 2 high school students as well as six...
Summer Fun Reading Programme – July 2022
“Labor for learning before you grow old; For learning is better than silver or gold. Silver and gold will vanish away, but a good education will never decay.” - - (Unknown Author) --As you know, reading is fundamental in helping us find and convey information. It's an essential skill that's developed at...
Education Assessments – June – 2022
As parents, we often worry about our children, with some of the most common concerns surrounding their health, happiness, and education. Are you left feeling distressed or frustrated, because, despite your best efforts at supporting and investing in your child’s education (extra classes), they’re still not excelling? Oftentimes, the challenges...
Summer Fun Reading Programme – July 2021
Winsome Wishes for KIDS (WWKIDS) would like to thank all our sponsors and guest readers, authors and facilitators of our Summer Fun Reading Program (a part of our Ready* project); because of your kind generosity, the reading initiative was a resounding success!!!! We are enormously grateful for your help in...